Saturday, August 21, 2010

Functional Food Therapy - Red Dates Tea recipe

This serves as a tonic for spleen deficiency, which is good for children who wet the bed and have a poor appetite.

5g of pitted dried red dates
5g of Chinese loose red tea

Put Chinese red loose tea in boiling water for 3 minutes
Boil dried red dates in red tea for 10 minutes

Functional Food Therapy - Fresh Plum Tea recipe

This tea clears heat, drainsdampness, benefits the liver and relieves stress. It will be a very good summer drink.

100 - 150g of fresh plums
1.5 cup of water
2g of green tea loose tea
25g of honey to taste


Boil plums in water for 3 minutes
Add green tea and honey
Bring all ingredients to boil This tea clears heat, drains dampness, benefits the liver and relieves stress. It will be a very good summer drink

Functional Food Therapy - Chrysanthemum Tea recipe

This tea cleanses the liver and benefits the eyes. It is good for individuals with hypertension, blurred vision and headache.

1 cup of green tea
10g of dried white chrysanthemum

Add dried white chrysanthemum into 1 cup of hot green tea

Functional Food Therapy - Lotus Seed Tea recipe

This dessert tea invigorates the spleen and kidneys, which is recommended for individuals with nephritis and edema.

30g of dried lotus seeds
3 cups of water
2 tbsp of loose tea
10g brown sugar or honey to taste

Soak lotus seeds in warm water for 2 hours
Boil soaked lotus seeds with water and brown sugar until the seeds become soft
Add loose tea prior to serving